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10 Banquet Halls for Exhibition in and near Chanakyapuri Delhi


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Explore 10 Exhibition Banquet Halls in and near Chanakyapuri with a starting price of Rs 600 per person and upto Rs 4500 per person. Chanakyapuri has both small Exhibition Banquet Halls with a minimum guest capacity of 40 person for small Exhibition celebrations and large Exhibition Banquet Halls with a maximum guest capacity of upto 1000 guests for big Exhibition celebrations. There is variety of choice in price range and guest capacity to choose Exhibition Banquet Halls in and near Chanakyapuri . Find best Exhibition Banquet Halls in and near Chanakyapuri for Exhibition celebrations.


Exhibition Banquet Halls in and near Chanakyapuri are available in price range from Rs 600 to Rs 4500 per person. There are 3 premium quality and luxury Exhibition Banquet Halls in and near Chanakyapuri with budget Rs 2000 and above.

Guest capacity wise, Chanakyapuri has both big and small Exhibition Banquet Halls with capacity ranging from 40 to 1000 guests. There are 8 small Exhibition Banquet Halls in and near Chanakyapuri with capacity upto 500 guests for small Exhibition, 2 bigger Exhibition Banquet Halls in and near Chanakyapuri with capacity upto 1000 guests.

Chanakyapuri has variety of Exhibition places with good choices for Hotels, Banquet Halls for any kind of Exhibition celebration. Checkout the category of your preference by browsing Hotels for Exhibition in Chanakyapuri , Banquet Halls for Exhibition in Chanakyapuri .

Take a look at best Exhibition Banquet Halls in areas near Chanakyapuri . There are 1 areas near Chanakyapuri with Exhibition Banquet Halls where you can host your Exhibition. Some of nearby areas are Vasant Vihar. Find best Exhibition Banquet Halls available at Banquet Halls for Exhibition in Vasant Vihar.

Few popular Exhibition Banquet Halls in Chanakyapuri are Durbar at Taj Hotel, Grand Ball Room at The Leela Palace, Nandiya Gardens at ITC Maurya, Kalyan Kendra Banquet Hall, AISF Hall, Kamal Banquet, Grace Banquets, Hotel TJS Royale.

Didn't find something good yet? Look for more choices available at Venues in Delhi. Choose from 841 venues in Delhi by filtering search based on venue category, event type, area of your choice, price range and many more.

    Likes: 100
    Views: 741

Durbar At Taj Hotel
Chanakyapuri , Delhi
Banquet Hall
1000 Guests
Durbar At Taj Hotel Per Plate Price (Veg) is 2,200 ₹ 2,200 Durbar At Taj Hotel Per Plate Price (Non Veg) is 2,500 ₹ 2,500

    Likes: 58
    Views: 482

Grand Ball Room At The Leela Palace
Chanakyapuri , Delhi
Banquet Hall
300 Guests
Grand Ball Room At The Leela Palace Per Plate Price (Veg) is 4,500 ₹ 4,500 Grand Ball Room At The Leela Palace Per Plate Price (Non Veg) is NA

    Likes: 97
    Views: 750

Nandiya Gardens At ITC Maurya
Chanakyapuri , Delhi
Banquet Hall
1000 Guests
Nandiya Gardens At ITC Maurya Per Plate Price (Veg) is 3,200 ₹ 3,200 Nandiya Gardens At ITC Maurya Per Plate Price (Non Veg) is 3,500 ₹ 3,500

    Likes: 96
    Views: 636

Kalyan Kendra Banquet Hall
Vasant Vihar, Delhi
Banquet Hall
300 Guests
Kalyan Kendra Banquet Hall Per Plate Price is below 1000 INR ₹ 1,000 Kalyan Kendra Banquet Hall Per Plate Price (Non Veg) is 1,200 ₹ 1,200

    Likes: 161
    Views: 720

Lajpat Nagar, Delhi
Banquet Hall
400 Guests

    Likes: 88
    Views: 623

Kamal Banquet
Lajpat Nagar, Delhi
Banquet Hall
400 Guests
Kamal Banquet Per Plate Price is below 1000 INR ₹ 1,000 Kamal Banquet Per Plate Price (Non Veg) is NA

    Likes: 155
    Views: 652

Grace Banquets
Naraina, Delhi
Banquet Hall
500 Guests
Grace Banquets Per Plate Price (Veg) is 1,100 ₹ 1,100 Grace Banquets Per Plate Price (Non Veg) is 1,300 ₹ 1,300

    Likes: 57
    Views: 679

Hotel TJS Royale
Karol Bagh, Delhi
Banquet Hall
150 Guests
Hotel TJS Royale Per Plate Price is below 1000 INR ₹ 600 Hotel TJS Royale Per Plate Price (Non Veg) is 800 ₹ 800

    Likes: 70
    Views: 700

Hotel Jivitesh
Karol Bagh, Delhi
Banquet Hall
120 Guests
Hotel Jivitesh Per Plate Price is below 1000 INR ₹ 700 Hotel Jivitesh Per Plate Price (Non Veg) is 900 ₹ 900

    Likes: 68
    Views: 620

Hotel Ivory 32
Greater Kailash I, Delhi
Banquet Hall
120 Guests
Hotel Ivory 32 Per Plate Price is below 1000 INR ₹ 900 Hotel Ivory 32 Per Plate Price (Non Veg) is 1,000 ₹ 1,000

Venues by Category

There are total 840 Venues in Delhi. Category wise, there are 124 Hotels in Delhi, 53 Party Lawn in Delhi, 393 Banquet Hall in Delhi, 153 Restaurant in Delhi, 54 Farm House in Delhi, 14 Bar/Pub in Delhi, 3 Cafe in Delhi, 20 Conference Room in Delhi, 26 Resort in Delhi.

Venues by Budget

Delhi offers venues starting with a budget of Rs 350. In terms of price per plate, there are 572 Venues in Delhi with budget below Rs 1000, 230 Venues with budget Rs 1000 to 2000, 33 Venues with budget Rs 2000 and above.

Venues by Capacity

Delhi has small venues starting with a capacity of 15 guests and bigger venues for upto 5000 guests. Capacity wise, there are 602 Venues in Delhi with capacity upto 500 guests, 165 Venues with capacity upto 1000 guests, 68 Venues with capacity upto 2000 and above guests.

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Banquet Halls for Exhibition in Delhi by Zone

Top Banquet Halls and places to host a perfect Exhibition by Zone across Delhi. Find Banquet
Halls by zone to host your Exhibition in Delhi NCR.

Banquet Halls for Exhibition in Delhi with Price Range

Delhi has Banquet Halls in different price range to host Exhibition starting from Rs 350.
Find a stuitable place in Delhi that fits your budget.

Banquet Halls for Exhibition in Delhi with Guest Capacity

Delhi has Banquet Halls for Exhibition starting with Guest Capacity of 15 guests for small
gatherings and bigger venues to accomodate upto 5000 guests for large gatherings.

4 Top Exhibition Banquet Halls in Chanakyapuri

Venue Name Area Capacity Price (Starting at)
Durbar at Taj Hotel Chanakyapuri 100 - 1000 Guests ₹2,200 per person
Grand Ball Room at The Leela Palace Chanakyapuri 50 - 300 Guests ₹4,500 per person
Nandiya Gardens at ITC Maurya Chanakyapuri 1000 - 1000 Guests ₹3,200 per person
Kalyan Kendra Banquet Hall Vasant Vihar 100 - 300 Guests ₹1,000 per person

Frequently Asked Questions about Banquet Halls for Exhibition in and near Chanakyapuri Delhi

What all should I consider while selecting a exhibition banquet hall in chanakyapuri ?

Few important things to consider while selecting a exhibition banquet hall in Chanakyapuri are ease of access and its location, quality of furniture, wall & ceiling decorations/fixtures at the exhibition banquet hall, cleanliness of premises and washrooms, service staff hospitality and dressing, power backup, parking space availability, in-house DJ and your custom needs depending upon the event.

The choice is also largely driven by the budget and number of exhibition banquet halls available in and near your preferred location in Chanakyapuri .

How much in advance should I book a exhibition banquet hall in chanakyapuri ?

It is recommended to plan and book a exhibition banquet hall in Chanakyapuri at least 4-5 weeks in advance for small to medium gatherings and about 2-3 months in advance for large gathering.

To host a successful exhibition in Chanakyapuri , a well planned advance booking helps you to manage the event properly. As a guideline, the number of days for advance booking should be at least 50% of your gathering size. e.g. if your gathering is for 100 guests then try to book the exhibition banquet hall about 50 days in advance for your exhibition. This will give you plenty of time to book other services like Photographer, Decorator etc and your guests can get invitations well on time to attend the event.

What kind of exhibition banquet hall should I choose in chanakyapuri for my exhibition ?

Try to choose a exhibition banquet hall in or near Chanakyapuri that meets your expectations and goals for the exhibition. There are plenty of options available like Hotels for Exhibition in Chanakyapuri , Banquet Halls for Exhibition in Chanakyapuri . If your goal is good entertainment, then choosing a spacious exhibition banquet hall for performers can be a good choice, whereas if your goal is good food then choosing something where quality food is served is recommended. Some hosts look for good hospitality and in such cases choosing a star rated hotel can be a good choice.

Exhibition Banquet Hall choice in Chanakyapuri should be made depending upon season as well and its indoor capacity. Some seasons are not favorable for outdoor events so avoid opting for a Farm house or Lawn during that period. An optimum guest capacity exhibition banquet hall is always recommended based on your gathering for the exhibition.

Should I choose a small or big exhibition banquet hall for my exhibition in chanakyapuri ?

The choice of exhibition banquet hall in Chanakyapuri is mainly driven by the gathering and type of exhibition you want to host. Choose a exhibition banquet hall that has guest capacity of about 120% to 150% of your gathering eg. if your gathering has 100 guests then an optimum choice would be venues with capacity of 120-150 guests. Keep at least a 25% buffer above your gathering as service staff and oganizing team will also be present during the exhibition. Oversized exhibition banquet halls above 50% mark of your gathering will make the exhibition look dull with empty areas and may increase the event cost with all the overheads.

Do exhibition banquet halls in chanakyapuri allow outside catering ?

Majority of exhibition banquet halls in Chanakyapuri do not allow outside catering and serve food from their kitchen. Most of the exhibition banquet halls in Chanakyapuri will give you per person prices which includes cost of the food.

If you get a lump sum cost from the exhibition banquet hall then they are rental charges of premises for the duration of event. In such cases, outside catering will be allowed at the exhibition banquet hall. Generally private properties and a few party lawns / farm houses will allow you for outside catering. Such venues do not provide any decorations or other services and it is upto the host to organize everything themselves.

What category of exhibition venues are available in chanakyapuri ?

Chanakyapuri has many categories of exhibition venues with options to choose from Hotels, Banquet Halls to host your exhibition. Search budget friendly choices of exhibition venues available at Hotels for Exhibition in Chanakyapuri , Banquet Halls for Exhibition in Chanakyapuri .

What is the price range of exhibition banquet halls in chanakyapuri ?

Exhibition Banquet Halls in and near Chanakyapuri are available in price range from Rs 600 to Rs 4500 per person.

How many exhibition banquet halls are available in chanakyapuri below Rs 1000 ?

There are no Exhibition Banquet Halls in and near Chanakyapuri below Rs 1000.

What is the capacity of exhibition banquet halls in chanakyapuri ?

Chanakyapuri has Exhibition Banquet Halls with capacity ranging from 40 to 1000 guests.

Which are the top exhibition banquet halls in chanakyapuri ?

Event Services in Chanakyapuri

Caterers in Chanakyapuri Decorators in Chanakyapuri DJ in Chanakyapuri
Makeup Artists in Chanakyapuri Photographers in Chanakyapuri
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